Fluffy House 雲朵先生
FLUFFY HOUSE成立於2007年, 一直以製作能帶給人溫暖、讓人會心微笑的可愛角色為主。"FLUFFY" 解作毛茸茸的,令人聯想到軟綿綿的毛公仔、 蹦蹦跳的可愛小動物等等溫暖又討人喜愛的東西。FLUFFY HOUSE是個集合可愛人物的大家庭和培育創意的工場,更是一個夢想的起點
Founded in 2007, FLUFFY HOUSE mainly involves in character design, product design and illustrations.
The word "Fluffy" suggests something that feels furry, light and soft. Just like the fluffy teddy, fluffy doggies, fluffy Cake...etc.
It's often associated with something cute and adorable. The character, Mr. White Cloud’s dreaming cloud, sees world differently with his daydreaming eyes. He has created a colorful life to his own sky..

La La Woodland
La La Woodland” is an original character brand about the bizarre human-like life of woodland animals in a whimsical utopia and promoting the message “FIND MY WAY”.
The brand is created by Knoa who has worked on a diverse array of projects, from illustration, kids magazine comic, to independent and commercial animation. She hopes to share her stories with the audience and heal their soul through her artwork.

Cafe de Bollo 菠蘿妹
當繽紛的Fancy Belle 遇到樂觀、勇於實踐夢想的HELEN TAM,透過波蘿油妹妹面對社會變遷及生活環境異動時能與他人並肩作戰,遇到困難從不放棄的堅持,傳遞樂觀及遇到困難從不放棄的精神。
.Helen Tam is a member of Hong Kong Society of illustrators. In 2008, she created the original character, Cafe de Bollo, to transmit the “never give up” spirit whenever encounter difficulty in life.
Café de Bollo hopes that you can always find ways to solve problems and believe good things will happen in the future.

Malis 馬里斯先生
Mr. Malis is a local Taiwanese who draws “the Pegasus” with full his passion to spread love all around the world.
Good at using simple lines and shapes to express the profound emotion in people’s daily life, he has successfully won market attention. The protagonist of his creations are animals who are vivid with pure energy, evoking the most innocent soul in the hearts of people. Throughout his creation, Marlis hopes to bring joy to our life and encourage us to stick to dreams when encounter difficulties.
He expects that people from 2-year-old to 80-year-old will like his paintings.

喵伊 Dreamful Cat
Dreamful Cat,愛作夢的貓三隻貓,一個屋簷下的故事,從畫給大貓的生日卡片,開始插畫旅程...描繪著生活點滴與無限的想像傳達了暖暖的幸福感
Dreamful cat is the character brand of three cats love dreaming. She started the illustrative journey from drawing a birthday card to her a big cat.
Cats are always the theme of her creations which depict people’s live life bit by bit. The unlimited imagination conveyed the warmth of happiness.